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What is Apache Camel?

Here we'll only be providing a brief introduction to Apache Camel along with some of its main benefits. For a full overview, architecture, and documentation, please refer to the official Camel documentation


Apache Camel is an Open Source integration framework, based on known Enterprise Integration Patterns, that empowers you to quickly and easily integrate various systems consuming or producing data. In other words, you're able to connect together all kinds of different software systems, transform and route your data flow, all without worrying about the specifics of each systems unique transports and protocols.

So how does Camel work?#

The Camel framework allows you to create software integrations that can connect together virtually all data sources despite having different transport protocols and data formats. This is achieved with the power of Camel Components, among other aspects of Camel.

To use Camel there is an easy to learn Domain Specific Language (DSL) which can written in Java or with an XML configuration.

Within the framework you have access to hundreds of Components which each correspond to data sources and endpopints you can connect to. For example use the SQL component to connect to virtually any database, the JMS component for message brokers, the list goes on.

To use a component you simply configure it by setting values from a list of parameters for the component. Each component comes with a collection of parameters and configuration options which specify exactly how your component should connect to your corresponding data source.


The framework also includes various Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) which are incredibly useful for manipulating and routing the data that flows between your many data sources.

Once your Camel components are configured, the Camel framework will handle the rest by establishing the appropriate connections depending on your Components. This is because each Component is configured with the appropriate Transport, allowing it to connect directly to your data source via HTTP, JDBC, JMS/TCP, SMTP, JBI, SCA, MINA, CXF, and FTP just to name a few.

With Camel there are also over 40+ supported Data Formats allowing you to handle virtually any data that may come from your data source Components.

So why use Camel?#

There is often a need to connect different applications, microservices, APIs, legacy processes, etc. and each have their unique protocols. Connecting one or two systems together is simple enough, but what about when you need to connect several different technologies, applications, protocols? This is where Camel comes in.

Camel provides literally hundreds of different Components out of the box, allowing you to connect to databases, message queues, APIs, or virtually any software system. With Camel components you can worry less about connecting to your systems, and focus more on the software integrations.

It has a very strong community supporting the framework with regular updates and releases.

Apache Camel is standalone, and can be embedded as a library within Spring Boot, Quarkus, Application Servers, and even in the clouds. There is even another project Camel K which is designed specifically for running Camel within Kubernetes!

An example of Camel in action#

Coming soon!